Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Use Color Coding Dot Stickers For Cleaning Parties

By Frank Stone

There is a new lifestyle trend that working adults are taking advantage of and its gaining steam quickly. Although personal service apps are popular, some individuals like to keep their tasks simple by dealing with people they know. Friends, family, and good acquaintances are the right people to help out around the house when it needs serious cleaning. Although this seems like a terrible thing to ask from someone a person cares about, there are many ways to make this fun. One is to serve good food and keep plenty of supplies, like color coding dot stickers or a system that keeps track of progress.

Even though a child may have things they want to do, it helps when parents give them responsibilities as early as possible. While the age may be debatable, starting midway through elementary school is often a good start. Chores should become a regular routine and increased as children age.

Once they establish what they want to sell, they can pick up items online, at thrift stores or yard sales. This is where new sellers can get the lowest prices and be notified about upcoming deals. Online forums and periodicals are great for finding leads to good places that sell at cheap prices.

Placing a calendar or list in a general area is best for all who are involved in the process. Keeping stickers nearby is ideal for assigning certain chores. For instance, blue may be used to determine who does outdoor work and orange may be used for the person who works inside the home.

Food is the next and probably most important thing outside of getting the job done. There are no hard rules except to make sure that what is available is something that everyone will like and not just the host. These jobs require a lot of energy and the home can get very warms so keeping plenty of soft drinks and water on ice will keep everyone productive. If serving alcohol, make sure this is near the end of the cleaning session.

Although no one has to be a professional marketer to sell online, it helps to learn about image tagging, relevant keywords, and sales writing early on. There are many online courses that will teach this at low or no cost and the curriculum is updated regularly. Having the basic knowledge will place anyone ahead of the competition who may just go with a picture and a short blurb.

When parents are organized, this is a trait they often pass on to their offspring. Being organized also goes hand in hand with teamwork and sharing responsibilities. Those adults who choose to cater to every demand a small child makes will find it hard to break the cycle as they get older. This type of parent is normally the first to get stressed out by not setting any boundaries.

Some who are successful make a nice enough income from selling alone. While this can take some time to fully develop, those who have a genuine love for their goods say the time is worth the outcome. They also admit that good organization of time and inventory allows them to come up with new ideas to generate more sales.

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